Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guess Who is Still on the Witness Stand ~ Phil Spector Trial

It's Thursday January 15th. Will somebody please wake Joe Friday up??? Dr Lyn Herold the LA. Co. Sheriff's Office senior criminalist is STILL on the stand. One can only suspect that Spector's attorney, Doron Weinberg is working by the hour, because the tedious questions that he asks over and over just get damn boring. Joe needed 2 Pepsi Max, 2 Vitamin Water Energy Drinks just to stay awake. Oh yeah Joe needed a chocolate fix as well, as the peanut M & M's from the 9th floor vending machine kicked in mid-afternoon.

Man Mr Weinberg is like the Energizer bunny...he just keeps charging ahead, tho, mostly to dead end streets. The jury looks freakin' bored to tears and obviously can't wait for the MLK holiday.

Finally Weinberg is OVER, (for now) and the made for TV prosecutor, Alan Jackson, goes back over some of Mr. Weinberg's assumptions. Trust me as I have said before, Dr Herold is asked one question and before she answers, she usually takes a second, composes herself and then gives a detailed explanation that could go on for minutes. Sure somtimes it's a yes or no, but she is unflappable.


Alan Jackson continues and court is called for the day. Yes Dr Herold will be BACK on the stand next week and then, Joe hears that Lana's mom, Donna will take the witness stand. Last time she was only asked mostly about the shopping spree she and Lana went on the night before her murder. Joe thinks that buying 8 pairs of new, comfortable shoes for her House of Blues gig, is not a precursor or an indication of suicide.
Nor is the fact that she was just hired to do a print shoot in just a few short weeks.

This time on the stand Joe has a feeling she will be forced to testify to's gonna get ugly, trust me on this. As other bloggers have told you, Donna Clarkson attends trial most every day and when the GRAPHIC photos come up on the big screen, she flinches, looks away and every once and a while you will see a tear. If Doron Weinberg presses to hard I guarantee there's a floodgate coming soon.

More from Joe later.....Badge 714

PS: I think Team Spector needs to go to Facebook rather than My Space, because the last recruitment call did not work. MYSPACE is old news, Facebook is the place.


Anonymous said...

Joe, thanks for all you bring to us from the courtroom. You have many fans as does the remarkable Dr. Lynn Herold. Unflappable, nice call. Many thanks to our brilliant prosecutors too. My prayers for the Clarkson family will include one for extra strength and courage as Mrs. Clarkson takes the stand to testify the truth for her beloved daughter this week. She can do it, a mother's love is fearless.

Anonymous said...

Question, Why is Lana's mother in the court room if she is going to be a witness? I thought witnesses could not be present until they had completed their testimony.

Thanks, September.
Enjoy your blog, now on my favorite list. Please start covering Casey Anthony.

Anonymous said...

Joe Friday:

Don't blame it on Myspace. Blame
it on the people behind the Team Spector page and the ingrate Spector himself.

How many emails sent to Team Spector even get responded to?

My friend deleted his account because he was tired of feeling unappreciated, he was tired of the same old stale blogs that never get updated. And this latest "You're invited, no wait a minute you're not" was the last straw for him.

So please don't blame it on Myspace when so many other Myspacers update their accounts, respond to their people and explain why they take bulletins down.

Spector has just a handful of supporters. Does he appreciate each and every one? I think we know the answer. If he gets locked up, at the rate he's going, he won't get much fanmail.

Christine Zachary said...

Joe, are you on vacation from Doron Weinberg? Maybe cruising around in your squad car? Poor Sprocket seems to be in there enduring it all by her lonesome!

Anonymous said...

Weinberg and his client are going down. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

Joe, what has happened to you and your pithy commentary on this important case? Have you been sick or working more than usual? Has someone told you to put a sock in it? We all miss you...please enlighten us...we are kept in the dark enough with this case as it is....:(

Thank you again for all that you have done to make this trying time informative for us.