Every time Joe thinks he has seen it all, he has to take it back. Today took
the cake!
1-Judge Fidler rules with Prosecution- Doron Weinberg gets hammered with another 'Discovery' Violation re witness Gregory Sims. Mr Sims, just happened to add a "few" things yesterday in his testimony that had never been heard before. Surely Mr Weinberg knew of this. DA Alan Jackson called for discovery violations, and this morning , Judge Larry Paul Fidler ruled with the Prosecution that indeed there is a 2nd Discovery violation by Mr Whineberg.
2-Gregory Sims- added that Lana was very, very, very depressed that night at his party. Something he forgot in the 1st trial. Ooops.......that allows DA Jackson to play tapes of Mr Sims as he proudly boasts on a Court TV interview BEFORE the 1st trial and says that Lana would not & could not ever pick up a gun and shoot herself. It just wasn't her. She was bubbly, charming, etc....He then stated that the reason he said that was because Court TV was an "entertainment " show and that was why he was there...oh well maybe he was a friend of Lisa Bloom at Court TV and she "pressed " him for the interview. Now he's blaming his friend, Ms. Bloom, at Court TV ( TRU TV) . Alan Jackson played the innocent Mr Sims saying such nice things about Lana....until yesterday when he basically portrayed her as suicide waiting to happen. Well after the Court TV tape was played over the objection of Mr Weinberg, Mr Sims looked like he could hide in the jury box. He stammered, he stuttered, he's toasted himself, right there in front of everybody.
Next witness: Jennifer Hayes- Now here is a freakin trainwreck about to happen..talk about the REAL wives of Beverly Hills, blah blah blah.....Truely it was ..Punkin Pie this, and Punkin Pie that. No I was Pie's best friend , then Lana was, and you know Pie "REQUIRED that Lana and I both show up at her Backstage shows on Tuesdays. REQUIRED them....Is this a Pie Cult???. Oh my Goodness..a PIE CULT. Mr Sims added today that The PIE has been ill and hasn't been promoting. Will THE PIE SHOW UP NEXT WEEK????
Jennifer is Lana's "friend" who basically told the jury how much she loved Lana, blah , blah blah. But when Spector Investigator Tawny Tindle comes calling. it's a dump on Lana kinda interview.
" Quote: TD: Did you say Lana was the most selfish person Pie and I knew. Answer- She was.
TD Q-Did you say Lana would sleep with anybody or any dog? A:She might..
TD Q-Did you say to Ms Tindle that Lana had gained weight and was hiding.....
Then after 5 hours of telling Ms Tindle everything, you invite Ms Tindel, a defense investigator to a show that was being promoted by THE PIE....right,, well yes.
Q TD-Did she go . A: Yes.
Q TD-Who picked up the tab. A-Well she offered but I paid.....
Now the witness starts getting hostile. Combative. Shouting at Asst. DA Truc Do, Ms Hayes made NO friends during her testimony. In Joe's humble opinion both Hayes and Sims were eaten alive by the Prosecution today......Joe's observation.....it's a slowly sinking ship....Weinberg can't keep up what it took 6 to accomplish last time....
Just the Facts' ma'am, just the facts, come back for more of todays action in the WWF SMACKDOWN!!!
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